The Planet is Under Threat of the Human Virus which spreads rappidly around the globe..

Τετάρτη 11 Μαΐου 2011

Πιέρ-Ζοζέφ Προυντόν "Περι ιδιοκτησιας"

"Εαν με ρωτουσαν- Τι ειναι η σκλαβια;-  και επρεπενα απαντησω με μια λεξη, θα ελεγα "Φονος"  και θα γινομουν αμεσως κατανοητος. Δεν θα χρειαζοταν κανενα επιπλεον επιχειρημα για να δειξω οτι το να αφαιρεις απο καποιους τις σκεψεις τους, τις επιθυμιες τους, την προσωπικοτητα τους ειναι μια εξουσια ζωης και θανατου, και το να σκλαβωνεις εναν ανθρωπο ειναι σα να τον σκοτωνεις. Επομενως γιατι στην ερωτηση-Τι ειναι ιδιοκτησια;- να μην απαντησω κλοπη ;
Η ιδιοκτησία, χρησιμοποιώντας τον αποκλεισμό και την καταπάτηση, ενώ ο πληθυσμός αυξανόταν, υπήρξε η πρωταρχική και καθοριστική αιτία όλων των επαναστάσεων. Όταν οι θρησκευτικοί και οι κατακτητικοί πόλεμοι σχεδόν κατέστρεψαν τους λαούς, υπήρξαν μόνο τυχαίες ταραχές, οι οποίες σύντομα επουλώθηκαν από τη μαθητματική εξέλιξη της ζωής των εθνών. Η πτώση και ο θάνατος των κοινωνιών οφείλονται στη δυνατότητα συσσώρευσης που δίνει η ιδιοκτησία.

Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2011

The World Within: C.G. Jung In His Own Words. Part 1

An exploration of Carl Jung's concepts of the unconscious and its relation to dreams, via interviews and glimpses into his Red Book, the diary he kept of his dreams, and the paintings he made of those images and fantasies,,,

Carl Jung - A World of Dreams. Part 1

Work on the life and works of the great thinker and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. Part one provides an overview of the major contributions made by Jung in his long career. Born on July 26, 1875, in Switzerland, Jung became interested in psychiatry during his medical studies. He saw that the minds of mentally deranged persons had similar contents, much of which he recognized from his own interior life, described in his autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections. His lifelong quest to understand the workings of the psyche led him to develop the analytical method of psychiatry. He proceeded by looking at the role in his patients' lives of what he termed the personal and collective unconscious, as expressed through dreams, myths, and outer events. With film clips, photographs, and interviews with some of his colleagues, as well as with Jung himself, the story of one of the most important figures of the 20th century is told. Inheritance of Dreams looks at the collective myths that are shared by different cultures and races throughout the world. Jung saw these as evidence of an underlying unifying principle in the human psyche, which he termed archetypes. These archetypes are present in the collective unconscious and express themselves to the individual in dreams and synchronistic events. The film surveys some of the archetypal symbolism in world myths. Jungian analyst John Beebe uses the science fiction film Star Wars to illustrate the presence of the ancient myths in today's symbolic expressions. There is rare footage of Jung's travels to Africa, England, and New Mexico, in search of archetypal motifs. The film takes the viewer through a diverse range of sources, from Alcoholics Anonymous and science fiction films, to modern architecture and the stock market. There are interviews with Jungian analysts including Aniela Jaffe, Jane Wheelwright, James Hillman, and Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig. Dr. Harry Wilmer shares his work with the dreams and "healing nightmares" of Vietnam veterans. New Age philosophy and Alfred Hitchcock's film Notorious are discussed as they relate to Jungian psychology.